Amla Ras


Original price was: ₹195.Current price is: ₹180.

‘Amla’ or ‘Emblica officinalis’ as known scientifically, is considered to be the only fruit in the world with the maximum content of vitamin ‘C’ (600 mgs of Vitamin ‘C’ per every 100 gms of Amla). It is also rich in many other nutrients like Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and many antioxidants. In ‘Ayurveda’, ‘Amla’ or ‘Sweet Emblica’ is recommended for various ailments right from use as a remedy for Digestion to Blood purification, faster healing of wounds and also as an effective solution against common cold, cough and more. It’s a surprising fact that Amla has 20 times more Vitamin ‘C’ content than an Orange or any other fruit and it is not destroyed even on heating unlike other fruits.
Research has shown that Vitamin ‘C’ is beneficial for maintaining lower blood sugar. Vitamin ‘C’ is also needed for functions of various enzymes and for strong bones and is considered very good for the heart as it decreases the level of LDL or Bad Cholesterol in the body. Studies have also shown that Vitamin ‘C’ decreases the risk of cancer. Moreover, Vitamin ‘C’ increases immunity and hence protects the body from Cold and Cough.


1. Richest Natural Source of Vitamin C.

2. Cleanses the mouth, strengthens the teeth.

3. Increases Immunity in the body.

4. Antioxidant & Anti ageing.

5. Improves eye sight and vision.

Composition (Each 10 ml contains)

Amla (Emblica Officinalis) 9.5 ML
Excipients : q.s.

Product Specifications

Type : Concentrate
Quantity : 1000 ML & 500 ML
Indications : Immunity Booster
Dose Children above 10 yr : 1-2 tsp. thrice a day
Dose Adults : 2-4 tsp. thrice a day
Contraindications : Nothing
Side effects : None
Expiry : 18 Months

97 in stock


‘Amla’ or ‘Emblica officinalis’ as known scientifically, is considered to be the only fruit in the world with the maximum content of vitamin ‘C’ (600 mgs of Vitamin ‘C’ per every 100 gms of Amla). It is also rich in many other nutrients like Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and many antioxidants. In ‘Ayurveda’, ‘Amla’ or ‘Sweet Emblica’ is recommended for various ailments right from use as a remedy for Digestion to Blood purification, faster healing of wounds and also as an effective solution against common cold, cough and more. It’s a surprising fact that Amla has 20 times more Vitamin ‘C’ content than an Orange or any other fruit and it is not destroyed even on heating unlike other fruits.
Research has shown that Vitamin ‘C’ is beneficial for maintaining lower blood sugar. Vitamin ‘C’ is also needed for functions of various enzymes and for strong bones and is considered very good for the heart as it decreases the level of LDL or Bad Cholesterol in the body. Studies have also shown that Vitamin ‘C’ decreases the risk of cancer. Moreover, Vitamin ‘C’ increases immunity and hence protects the body from Cold and Cough.

Additional information

Weight 1100 g
Dimensions 70 × 70 × 210 cm

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